Friday, March 23, 2012

Modal Menjadi Halangan?

"Budaya kita menggalakkan kita mempelajari suatu profesion supaya kita dapat bekerja untuk wang, tetapi ia gagal mengajar kita cara menjadi kan wang bekerja untuk kita."

Ramai yang menggunakan alasan ini apabila ditanya kenapa tidak memulakan langkah. Alasan ini juga adalah penghalang hampir sebilangan besar mereka yang mempunyai cita-cita hendak berjaya.

Jadi, saya ingin memberitahu anda berkenaan kisah-kisah benar mereka yang berjaya di Malaysia tetapi bermula daripada kosong ataupun modal yang kecil. Sebenarnya, ramai jutawan mengatakan model berbentuk wang adalah 10 peratus daripada semua modal yang diperlukan oleh usahawan yang bijak bagi memulakan perniagaan.

Modal yang penting adalah pengalaman. Ramai daripada kita boleh memulakan perniagaan hanya berbekalkan pengalaman daripada pekerjaan ataupun daripada pelajaran yang pernah dipelajari. Modal berbentuk pengetahuan juga penting kerana tanpa pengetahuan, bagaimana anda dapat memulakan perniagaan? daripada pengetahuan , anda boleh menggunakannya bagi memulakan langkah sebagai jutawan.

Ilmu Berkenaan Wang

Perkara penting yang ada dalam minda para jutawan adalah pengetahuan berkenaan kewangan. Menjadi kebolehan yang biasa bagi orang yang kaya dan terus kaya kerana mereka memahami ilmu ataupun pengetahuan berkenaan wang dengan baik. Mereka melihat setiap angka dan dapat menilai angka itu dalam wang ringgit.

Kenapa begitu? bagi orang miskin selalunya bekerja bagi mencari ataupun mendapatkan wang. Bekerja bagi orang kaya, mereka membiarkan wang bekerja bagi diri mereka. Ramai jutawan barat mahupun di Malaysia menggunakan wang yang mereka laburkan wang ke dalam saham, pelaburan hartanah, pendapatan kepada mereka dan pelabuar-pelabur yang lain.

Sekiranya anda mempunyai kemahiran ini, anda boleh meletakkan matlamat yang lebih jelas dalam membentuk kekayaan.

Di Malaysia , kita mempunyai pelbagai seminar berkenaan pelaburan dan juga buku-buku bercorak Malaysia yang memberi pengetahuan asas dalam pelaburan. Azizi ali adalah penulis yang saya minati mempunyai koleksi buku berkenaan pelaburan yang baik bagi anda pelajari.

Malangnya, budaya masyarakat kita kedekut membelanjakan wang bagi membangunkan diri sendiri. Perkara yang menyedihkan apabila kita menilai angka yang kaum melayu belanjakan hampir RM 1 bilion dalam perjudian dan arak . tetapi itu tidak memberikan pembangunan ataupun kebaikan pada diri mereka.

Sekiranya anda perokok, secara purata anda membelanjakan hampir RM 150.00 sebulan bagi tujuan itu. Harga senaskhah buku secara puratanya adalah antara Rm 30.00 dan RM 50.00 bagi buku keluaran Malaysia. Anda boleh menambah pengetahuan berkenaan pelaburan ataupun kewangan apabila mula memfokuskan perkara itu dalam kehidupan.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Lakukan perkara yang Anda inginkan!

"Anda lakukan apa yang anda ingin lakukan, kekayaan akan datang kemudiannya."
Kebanyakan anda pasti bertanya apakah yang ingin dikerjakan supaya boleh menjadi jutawan? Ramai yang mempunyai persepsi yang salah apabila datang soalan itu.
Kebanyakan anda sentiasa memikirkan perniagaan yang besar apabila ingin memulakan perniagaan. Anda tidak salah apabila berfikiran besar tetapi apa yang salah adalah kebanyakkan anda memikirkan bidang-bidang yang besar seperti pembinaan, kontraktor sivil, pengeluaran produk yang gah dan sebagainaya. Ini adalah akibat persepsi yang salah dan penumpuan dalam bidang yang selalu dilihat cepat memberi keuntungan kapada peniaga.
Apabila anda berfikiran seperti itu, ia menyebabkan sekarang ini ada beribu-ribu kontraktor kelas F di Malaysia dan kontrator sivil lain yang bersain merebut projek-projek yang agak terhad. Jadi, ramai daripadanya terpaksa menutup syarikat kerana tidak mendapat sebarang pekerjaan bagi syarikat mereka.
Sekiranya anda mempunyai minda yang betul pada keusahawanan, sebenarnya di sekeliling anda ada pelbagai perniagaan yang dapat dimulakan dengan modal kewangan yang kecil. Tahukah anda ada ramai jutawan yang memulakan perniagaan mereka daripada hobi, pengetahuan dan kemahiran yang mereka tidak sangka boleh menjana kekayaan kepada mereka. Hakikatnya, lihat dalam semua bidang, anda dapat menjadi jutawan. Anda hanya perlu menjadi yang terbaik dalam bidang itu kerana dengan itu, anda dapat menarik kekayaan datang kepada anda.
Jiran saya Encik said hanya pemandu lori 15 tahun dahulu. Beliau kini mempunyai berpuluh-puluh buah lori serta sedang memulakan perniagaan mengimport enjin jentera-jentera berat daripada perancis walaupun tidak tahu bertutur bahasa perancir.
Encik ali hassan bermula hanya daripada kerja sampingan iaitu jurujual sambilan dan pembekal jersi serta baju sukan kepada rakan-rakan kampus. Beliau kini mempunyai empayar perniagaan Al-Ikhsan dengan memiliki 32 cawangan di seluruh Malaysia dengan model RM 50 sahaja.
Encik mohd amin hanya penjual nasi lemak dengan keuntungan Rm10 sehari. Beliau kini dikenali sebagai datuk mohd amin Pipet, pengarah urusan falcon sdn.bhd. yang mempunyai perniagaan bidang pertanian , penternakan dan pembinaan.
Ada beribu-ribu lagi contoh bagaimana jutawan memulakan perniagaan mereka daripada pengetahuan yang mereka tahu pada masa itu. Hanya mereka yang mempunyai minda yang betul, matlmat yang jelas, rancangan serta strategi yang tepat serta keyakinan dan kegigihan, boleh berjaya.
Sebenarnya, bagi menjadi kaya anda tidak perlu memikirkan berkenaan perkara yang tidak pernah dilakukan anda. Boleh memulakan dengan apa yang sedang dilakukan sekarang ini. Anda mungkin mempunyai pandangan yang negetif bagi mencapai status jutawan dengan apa yang diusahakan sekarang ini.
Nasihat saya , lakukan sedikit analisis berkenaan pekerjaan ataupun pernigaan anda hari ini. Anda dapat melihat ahli keluarga yang mempunyai kemahiran yang boleh dikongsi bagi memulakan perniagaan. Cuba anda susun perancangan bagi mencapai tahap yang anda diingini secara berperingkat.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

An Introduction to Google AdSense

By Cody Moya

Many smart web entrepreneurs have discovered how to use the power
of Google AdSense, but the first step is to understand just what
this program is and what it has to offer web site owners.

Google AdSense is a program which serves up ads on the hosting web
site, but the key is that the ads that are placed there are related
to the subject of the web site on which they appear. For instance,
a web site devoted to the antique car hobby might host ads for
companies selling cars, promoting car shows and the like.

In fact, AdSense is part of an advertising principle known as
contextual marketing. Placing the ads in context, as with the old
car web site, increases the chances that those ads will be seen and
responded to. After all, the general public may not be interested
in buying fancy chrome wheels or hubcaps for a Model T, but owners
of classic cars may be.

The possibilities for contextual advertising in general, and Google
AdSense in particular, are endless. A hockey site can host ads for
hockey equipment and hockey sticks, a tennis web site could host
ads for tennis balls and tickets to tennis tournaments. It is easy
to see why this program has become so popular and so well respected
with internet users and web site owners alike.

The good news for web site owners is that Google AdSense can be
quite a lucrative endeavor, especially for high profile sites and
those sites with excellent, high quality and in demand content.
One of the best things about the Google AdSense program is that the
ads are highly targeted and relevant to the subject of the web
site. Targeting the ads makes a great deal of sense, since
targeted ads are more likely to get the click throughs that
generate revenue.

Google AdSense ads are text only, unobtrusive and very easy to
read. Unlike banner ads and pop up ads, these ads do not get in
the way of the web site visitor's experience, and they are designed
in such a way that they do not overwhelm or overshadow the content
of the web site itself. Chances are the average web user has
already seen hundreds, if not thousands, of Google AdSense ads.

There are not many places left where web site owners can make money
directly off of their web sites, but Google AdSense is one such
destination. Google AdSense allows web site owners to make an
income off of every page of the web site. In addition, the
algorithms used by Google to index web sites automatically select
the best ads for each page of the web site, providing highly
targeted and effective ads for their advertisers and lots of income
for the owner of the site.

Those web site owners and designers who have been around for awhile
may remember a concept known as AdWords. In essence, Google
AdSense is an offshoot of the initial AdWords model. It is
important to keep in mind, however that AdWords and AdSense are not
the same thing.

When you do a Google search, you have probably noticed the small
text ads which are displayed to the right hand side of the search
results. These are contextual ads, served up based on the search
criteria. These targeted ads are known as AdWords, and they are
used by various companies to generate revenue and drive new
customers to their web sites.

Google AdWords uses the pay per click model to generate income for
Google. When a user clicks on one of the AdWords, that advertiser
pays Google an agreed upon amount of money. This process is fully
automated and easily trackable by all parties. The amount of money
changing hands with each click varies all the time and is subject
to word bidding. The placement of the ads, and the amount of
revenue received for each click, is subject to market forces, just
as in the brick and mortar advertising world.

With Google being the predominant search engine today, the company
has continued to exert its power and influence, and the ads served
up by Google, both through AdWords and AdSense, can be powerful
revenue generating machines. Many smart web site owners have
already discovered the power of Google AdSense in generating
revenue and profiting from their web site content, and many more
web site owners are discovering this power every day.

This free Course is spread apart over a long period of time. If you want to get whole course immediately you can get it for reasonable price here:

Adsense Optimization: Getting more clicks on your Adsense ads

Adsense Optimization: Getting more clicks on your Adsense ads Bookmark/Share

More CTR (Click Thru Ratio) means more clicks on your Google Ads. But, is CTR all about position and colors of your ads? No! It's a lot more than that. CTR also depends upon the quality of traffic, relevancy of ads, and even the subject of your website. Let's get in detail:

Do you own a High CTR website?

Yes! CTR varies from Industry to industry too. It depends upon the keywords you are using to make your web page. It has been observed that more technical the topic is (but not necessarily) less CTR it will give you (for example Search Engine Optimization, Affiliate Network - exceptions are always there), but still works if the Ad content is well written.

However, this is only one condition; there are many undiscovered conditions that affect the CTR of keywords. At times, a particular season also has an effect on the performance of keywords. For example family of 'Turkey recipe' keyword is more active around November and December only and a quite sluggish rest of the year. It becomes really necessary to study the behavior of keywords before starting a massive website of Adsense around a topic.

Your Ad Position and Color: Old, but very effective

Google heat map helps improve the CTR (Clicks Thru Ratio) of your website by suggesting you the most converting areas for your Adsense Ads. You can have a glance at the Google's Survey that illustrates the ideal placements of ads on your web page.

Darker the area, better will be the performance of your ads. Your visitor tends to click on these darker areas more often than the other areas of the web page. Ads placed near rich content usually do well because users are focused on those areas of your web page. For example, on pages where users are typically focused on reading an article, ads placed directly below the concluding part of high quality content tend to perform well, as the visitors are left with no other choice except clicking the Ad block.

Get Targeted Traffic - The Most Essential Part

Traffic that is interested in your content (also called targeted traffic) is interested in your ads too. Thus, there is every likelihood that your ads will be clicked more frequently. Targeted traffic means more CTR, more earnings, and enhanced ad convertibility. On the other hand, the untargeted visitors are not interested either in your content or your ads, so keep your website's traffic targeted.

You can gather highly targeted traffic for your website by web promotion strategy and effective optimization of your web page structure. Effective web promotion strategy requires an appropriate Anchor text and more back links from relevant websites. And, to develop an effective web page structure, you have to optimize your Title Text, internal linking of your website, and most importantly your web content, in the best possible manner.

Choose the Right Anchor Text for Back Link Campaigns

Choosing the right anchor text for back links promotes your website to the traffic you exactly need from the search engines. Choose the Anchor text that directly speaks to your visitors and pulls the traffic that your web page requires. Targeted traffic results in increased CTR of ads. It helps promote your website to that segment of traffic, which is precisely searching for your content (or you can say the traffic that is most profitable to you). Targeting irrelevant keyword reduces your CTR by gathering the traffic which is not interested in your content or ads.

Wisely Choose the Title Text of Your Web Page

Title text of your webpage appears in the SERPs (Search Engine Result Pages) as the Title link to your web page. Therefore, it is the title Text that directly speaks to the surfer on SERPs (Search Engine Result Pages) about your content's theme. It acts like a Free Advertisement Link to your website. If your title text does not interest the surfer, you lose considerable amount of much-needed traffic. Figure out a Title text that directly communicates with your potential visitors, brings targeted traffic, and enhances the CTR of your AdSense Ads. Don't overdo your title text, and use less than ten keywords in your title text.

Help Google Detect the Theme of Your Web Page

There are many on-page and off-page elements that affect your ad relevancy. Better targeted ads increase both your CTR and EPC. Here is how to optimize your ads:

Meta Tags

If there is NO CONTENT on your web page, the Google Mediabot will consider the Meta Tags while displaying ads. Meta tags have a considerable affect on the relevancy of your ads. It is advised never to leave this space empty. Also, try to make it as easy as possible for Mediabot to understand the theme of your web page.

Title Text

Google Mediabot gives good weightage to the keywords used in the Title text, which in turn gets reflected in your ads. Choose effective keywords for your Title text. Even the order of words in a keyword can affect the ads that are appearing on your web page. So, choose your keywords wisely.


Google Mediabot gives importance to the Heading text enclosed in


tags present in your web page. After Title text, here is another chance for you to dictate keywords to Google Mediabot.

Boost Relevancy Artificially - Use Google's Section Targeting

Now, you can enhance Ad relevancy by using Google's Section targeting. Using this technique you can advise Google mediabot about the areas of your content which should be considered or ignored while matching the Ads with your content.

For more information on the same topic, visit:

Use Channels for Analyzing Your Ads' Performance

Try to relate your traffic logs with your CTR stats. You will get to know which Traffic source is giving you what CTR. This will help you recognize the traffic segment which is most converting for your website. Channels allow you to analyze your ads' performance, so that you can pin point the changes that your website needs to boost your AdSense income. There are two types of channels available - URL Channels and Custom Channels. You can use the URL channel to track your performance, without modifying your Ad code. Through URL channels, you can analyze the performance of individual page or a group of pages, based on the directory system of your website.

Custom channels can help you measure the performance of different Ad formats presented in your web pages. And, by pasting channel-specific ad code into your pages, you can track CTR, Impressions, number of clicks each individual ad format is generating, and compare its performance with other web pages.

Block Junk Websites and Competitor Websites from Showing Ads

There are many junk websites that might be displaying ads on your website. These websites steal the traffic from your website and recycle it on their own Adsense ad blocks. Recognize such websites and stick them in Adsense Competitive Ad filter. Also, you can block your competitor websites using this competitive filter.

This trick can sometimes double or triple your Adsense income, augment user experience, and makes look your Google ads more genuine. For more information about this tool, visit:

To study the behavior of high CTR keywords, there is no better place than Go-ahead and snatch the highest CTR keywords that exist on planet earth for Adsense.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Lima kunci menarik wang kepada anda

"Tiada sebab kenapa orang Melayu tidak boleh maju. Ini saya berani perang dengan sesiapa pun. Orang Melayu boleh maju. Sekiranya saudara jadi wartawan saudara kena tanam semangat suatu hari nanti mahu ambil alih akhbar ini. tidak ada sebab kenapa ia tidak boleh berlaku."

Menggunakan kekuatan minda bagi mendapatkan kekayaan adalah disiplin diri yang mudah diamalkan dan bekerja secara semula jadi. Dengan mengubah cara minda bekerja, ia mengeluarkan hasil yang berbeza ke atas kehidupan anda.

Di bawah ini, adalah lima perkara yang anda boleh lakukan hari ini. Ia digunakan oleh ramai jutawan bagi memudahkan kedatangan wang kepada mereka.

Kunci 1: tunjukan penghargaan.

Tunjukkan penghargaan pada wang yang mengalir masuk ke dalam kehidupan anda. Menunjukkan penghargaan adalah melahirkan rasa syukur ke atas wang yang ada dalam tangan. Ramai orang selalu mengeluh dengan setiap sen yang mereka peroleh. Anda sebaik-baiknya bersyukur kepada tuhan kerana setiap hari masih menerima wang. Apabila anda membandingkan ramai lagi penduduk dunia yang mundur dan susah, anda pasti menghargai wang yang diperoleh.

Secara tidak sedari, sekiranya anda melahirkan rasa syukur pada wang yang diperoleh, ia menunjukkan anda menumpukan pada perkara yang positf ataupun pada perkara yang diingini iaitu wang terus masuk kepada anda.

Kunci 2: berlakon seperti orang kaya

Lakonkan seolah-olah anda kaya. Mungkin perkara ini agak tidak disukai oleh ramai orang kerana seolah-olah anda berlagak seperti orang kaya. Hakikatnya, penampilan dan sifat adalah berbeza. Cuba bayangkan apa yang anda pakai, perasan dan personaliti anda apabila menjadi jutawan. Dapatkan perasaan itu dan baiki penampilan secara sedikit demi sedikit. Apabila mempunyai bajet yang mencukupi, cuba bercuti ke tempat-tempat peraginan yang lebih baik daripada sebelumnya. Cuba makan di tempat-tempat ataupun restoren yang lebih baik sekali sebulan.

Apabila anda lakukan, cuba rasakan bagaimanakah perasaan yang dialami. Pasti anda rasa semakin bersyukur dan menghargai kehidupan yang dijadikan tuhan sebenarnya kaya.

Kunci 3: hargai wang

Apabila terjumpa wang walaupun 10 sen, ambil, menghargai wang bukan setakat bersyukur tetapi anda juga menyayangi wang yang masuk ke dalam kehidupan. Tidak kira berapa jumlah wang itu, walaupun satu sen, ia tetap melahirkan tenaga wang yang sama. Yang penting, bagaimana perasaan anda pada wang yang diterima. Ini menunjukkan sikap anda pada penerimaan wang yang mengalir dalam diri. Secara tidak sedar, minda separa sedar merakamkan sikap dan perasaan anda pada wang.

Kunci 4: bersikap terbuka

Sentiasa terbuka pada peluang kekayaan. Ramai orang yang miskin dan susah menerima wang mempunyai sikap yang sentiasa menutup diri mereka dengan peluang kekayaan. Anda ataupun rakan-rakan pasti pernah menolak beberapa peluang perniagaan semata-mata sikap mals, takut dan tiadak mempunyai pengetahuan berkenaan perniagaan itu.

Apabila anda kerap menutup pelunag-peluang itu, minda separa sedar membaca sikap anda yang tidak mahukan peluang kekayaan. Hasilnya anda semakin kurang menerima peluang kekayaan dan tidak mampu melihat peluang kekayaan yang berada di sekeliling.

Kunci 5: senyum dan ceria

Lakukan perkara yang anda rasa gembira. Apabila anda lakukan perkara yang anda suka dan rasa gembira, ia melahirkan perasaan yang positif pada diri dan meningkatkan kualiti tenaga diri anda. semakin baik tenaga positif yang anda hasilkan dalam diri, semakin kuat ia menarik perkara-perkara positif yang lain kepada hidup anda.

Kerana itu, anda perlu membuang perasaan benci, kecewa, sedih dan lainya daripada penampilan. Apa yang anda perlu lakukan adalah sentiasa senyum dan ceria kerana ia menarik lebih banyak tenaga positif.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

How to make money from AdSense through Adwords?

Here are some eye opening stats of some AdSense experiments I did recently.

AdSense Experiment 1:

Website name: xxxxxxxxxx
PPC campaign duration: 28 days

Spent: $32.16

Earned: $82.39

Profit: $50.23

AdSense Experiment 2:

Website name: xxxxxxxxxxx

PPC campaign duration: 64 days

Spent: $75

Earned: $223.89

Profit: 148.89

I have a site that makes more than 14 times its Adwords spent in AdSense earnings - and it gets absolutely no SE traffic. Now you do the maths, if you have 10 such similar high quality, high paying websites.

Now great news for you: Google promotes this money cycle. No it’s not a fraud! And I have a solid proof for that -
The above case study will prove that. Google itself has published a case study of a publisher who bought Adwords traffic and is earning through AdSense.

I am going to tell you exactly how webmasters do it and make thousands out of it. And if you do it properly, sky is the limit to your earnings. Turn your mobiles off now, get some glue, and apply to your seats. I am whispering this only to you, don’t tell it to anybody else. It’s a great idea - how to make AdSense money through AdWords. First you will need to visualize AdWords as a traffic source (which is paid). For creating a cycle of making money from Adwords through AdSense, you will need the following ingredients.

1 – High CTR
2 – Traffic from AdWords
3 – High paying keywords
4 – Targeted Content
5 – SmartPricing explained: Never violate almighty Google
6 – The last and ultimate secret tricks
7 – Illegal stuff?

Now let me explain to you the quality and quantity of all the ingredients you will need to get the green cycle that gets you AdSense money through AdWords.

1 – High CTR

There is a reason why you should have high CTR. It should be NOT LESS THAN 10% even in the worst cases. Now, how did I reach at this figure? Suppose you are buying traffic for 5 cents per click from Adwords, and at the end of the day, you get 100 visitors. Now, out of these 100 people, if 10 people clicked your AdSense ads, then the payout of those 10 clicks should be more than $5 (that you spent on Adwords) to earn you any profit. Or you can say, EPC should be at least 0.50 cents.

Let’s use some more valuable stats. Generally, highly qualified traffic clicks are more on AdSense blocks, depending upon your content and placement of your AdSense blocks. I have managed to get up to 20% CTR on Content Websites.

100 visitors from Adwords

20% CTR

20 clicks

Spent – $5

Earned - $14 on a particular day

EPC average was $0.70

2 – Traffic from AdWords

Traffic from AdWords is easy to get. All of us know how to opt for an AdWords account. But it needs to be managed properly so that we may get maximum traffic with minimum investment.

Tip 1 – Include as many low paying keywords as possible. Get to overture, Get to WordTracker, or any other site you know. Get creative and make your own too. Keyword Country database can suggest you millions of such low paying keywords along with the high paying keywords.

Tip 2 – Don’t pay more than 5 cents to Google AdWords initially. No matter how much traffic you get, just do not pay more than 5 cents in the beginning. Wait for a few days. One week is the best time to draw the average of how much you were in profit. If you feel you can do better by increasing the CPC on AdWords, go ahead!

Tip 3 – Optimize your ads till they have the highest CTR. Use more and more COMMONLY known GENERALLY spoken keywords. Try including search keywords in the ads in such a way that Google shows them in bold when someone views your ad.

Tip 4 – Use suggestive low cost keywords to further boost the traffic on your website. This tip is a bit risky, so it should be wisely used. In certain cases, it can be a deciding factor - Double or nothing!

For more tips on Adwords:

3 – High Paying Keywords

High paying keywords are the key ingredient of the entire recipe. It’s the heart of the entire system. Don't try this without High paying keywords. Make several web pages around a topic that contain high paying keywords, and link them with one another. Don’t try it on low paying keywords, as you will be spending away lot more on AdWords than what you earn from AdSense.

More the advertisers bidding on a keyword, higher will be your EPC - and of course, broader will be your smile. When I say "high paying keywords," I don't mean the ones with Higher CPC. It's a big mistake to judge a keyword as a "high paying" one just on the basis of CPC. Only Keyword Country lets you predict your earnings per click before even targeting keywords.

Try using keywords that have low competition with advertisers paying high on it. You can find thousands of undiscovered niche keywords in Keyword Country’s Database. Don’t worry much about the traffic, it’s the job of AdWords to send the traffic to your website. But don’t get too easy on that either.

You can learn how to choose the best AdSense keywords from :

4 – Target Your Content With High Paying Keywords

Here is how to target the pages for high paying keywords.

Internal Optimization :
Internal Optimization includes Meta tags, Title Text, Optimization of content, and internal linking of your website. Here we will learn how to increase relevancy of ads and how to inject keywords that will help you get high paying ads. Internal Optimization has a high impact on the relevancy of ads and CTR.

External Optimization :
This includes the web pages that are giving links to you (external profile of your website), anchor text being used to link your website, and many more variables that search engines use to evaluate the authoritative importance of a web page. External Optimization helps bring relevant traffic to your website and enables you to earn more by getting more CTR (Click Thru Ratio).

Here is how to apply high paying keywords in your webpages :

If you want to apply high paying keywords on existing web pages (already crawled by Mediabot), please don’t expect the increase in income the next second. Google takes time to refresh its ads (maximum 15 days).

So, don't just log on to adwords and start a campaign right now. Make sure that you are getting high paying ads, and that you have implemented high paying keywords correctly. Creating new optimized pages on the website can show you immediate results (if your website is being crawled by Google regularly). Keyword Country lets you predict your EPC (Earnings Per Click) before even targeting a keyword with its Average CPC. That's the best way to find out if the keywords are really high paying or are just artificially inflated keywords.

5 – The Last and the Ultimate Secret

Hold your breath. This is a never-told secret.

The whole reaction starts from AdWords. What is AdWords? – Source of paid traffic. You are bringing in paid traffic. But, is Adwords the only way to get paid traffic? BINGO! You got my point.

Discover other cheaper ways to buy traffic. There are many other smaller PPC engines that can collectively give you as much traffic (or sometimes more) as you want, giving you more returns than you can handle.

6 – Tackle Smart Pricing

You need to take special care of SmartPricing here.

Here is what Google says what SmartPricing is:
“How smart pricing works
We are constantly analyzing data across our network, and if our data shows that a click is less likely to turn into business results (e.g. online sale, registration, phone call, newsletter sign-up), we may reduce the price you pay for that click. You may notice a reduction in the cost of clicks from content sites.

We take into account many factors such as what keywords or concepts triggered the ad, as well as the type of site on which the ad was served. For example, a click on an ad for digital cameras on a web page about photography tips may be worth less than a click on the same ad appearing next to a review of digital cameras.

Google saves you time and hassle by estimating the value of clicks and adjusting prices on an ongoing basis. With improved smart pricing, you should automatically get greater value for clicks from ad impressions across our network, all with no change in how you bid.”

The major factor: NEVER EVER TRY TO CHEAT GOOGLE. Don’t host content that your visitors don’t want to see. They came on your website in good faith that you will give them quality information, exactly what they are looking for. Just putting crap there, and stuffing the search results of a search engine is what Google hates.

If the visitors are given carp information, they will never be good buyers, or will become resistant to the convincing power of the advertisers where your AdSense code is directing them to. Google will sense that the traffic form your website is of poor quality, and you will get a shock of SmartPricing.

7 - Is All the Above Stuff Illegal?

Who said that? I happened to make a very informational site, and then to help bring some visitors to my highly informational site, I used the adwords to promote it. Of course, since this site is just sprouting, I don't have the capital to bid on the $X keywords, so I am starting out slowly, and bidding on terms with lower volumes of searches.

Currently, in order to help supplement the income of my informational site, I have chosen to use Google's excellent AdSense program while the site begins to show up in the search engines.... who knows, maybe I'll just keep on using Adsense and Adwords for the foreseeable future.

There should be no issue as long as your site is decent and does not say "click my ad." Google must have thought about this trick already and it must be silently happy to see the advertisers run such money loops. But Google can't shout it loud to the community. Webmasters who are buying ads from Google and boosting their AdSense are actually helping Google to make more money from high paying advertisers. It’s a win-win game for Google. Will you take action against a person who is paying to help you?

Yes, it is illegal if you bring Adwords traffic on poor content. Google will curse you with its SmartPricing phenomenon, and will limit your earnings. Google wants your help, but not at the cost of its own reputation. Never ever try to cheat Google.


Choosing such high value keywords on which you can bring paid traffic is quite critical in this entire trick.

Choose Keywords that have -
1 - High CPC

2 - High Number of Advertisers

3 - High number of Clicks

4 - High Average CPC

Get access to 6.5 Million High paying Keywords on which you can bring Paid Traffic, RIGHT NOW!

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